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Shoes and Sox
City: THE BAY (we fresh)
Country: united states

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hailing from da bay. shoes and sox is da greates band to hit the concord music scene......ya

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DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979 is a main influence. All the groups on the punk O rama albums. hell, even the red hot chili peppers. yanaki gigs as a jazz/ funk drummer as well. he would like to mention art blakey, buddy rich, MONK, as well as many other artists that have touched his hearing receptors in a positive way.

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once upon a time a young boy was born.....YANAKI LOPEZ. a name that would surely get him into cal. he was born with shoes on. soon he was walking. Less then a year later a young greek MAN was born in a hospital in the deepest of the deep seas. he was born with socks on. not even a decade had past before these two SUPER BEINGS met in a hallway to the library. there NIcholas was walking with just socks on. ANd he saw yanaki with just shoes on and together they made THE BAND. they made musical fusion in that same hallway with their teeth. they got a dollar and made it big and bought some deoderant to put on the egg. nicholas was extremely anal when it came ot his baby. yanaki just liked sticking vibrating toothbrushes up his ass. WWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

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