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Patrick North

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Artist Information
Rock first began playing music at age ten in concert band, trombone, baritone, and trumpet, as primary instruments. At fifteen he became heavily influenced by the nineties punk and ska movement, buying his first bass guitar. He never took a single lesson for playing a stringed instrument. Recorded a first solo album using only bass and vocals at age sixteen. Ages sixteen through eighteen, Patrock spent various amounts of time devoting himself to several bands, his record label, Uncool Records, and became a pillar in the town of Binghamton, New Yorks punk scene setting up, promoting, and performing in several sold out shows. During that same time period Rock worked as the DJ of WHRWs successful punk rock block, a three hour punk rock radio show at Binghamton Universities campus radio station. In 2002 after graduating Vestal Central High School, outside of Binghamton, Rock moved to Buffalo, New York to pursue a degree that would allow him to continue working with music, again taking a job at campus radio station WBNY. It was at WBNY where some of Rocks best achievements were accomplished. Helping to set up campus concerts with Andrew WK, The Used, and The Roots. Working as a judge for several battle of the bands competitions. After his first year of college Rock moved to West Palm Beach, Florida where he began to get serious about playing music, spending at least two hours a day playing guitar and some days as much as twelve hours spent writing, playing, and recording original material. Patrock has an original style that is a cross between, campfire sing-a-longs, punk rock, and folk-blues.

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December 9, 2006
Patrock Goes Hollywood
well its not exactly hollywood, but a independent florida film company has decided to use one of Patrock's tunes for a scene in the film "A Patriot Act". "Patrocks - Its a Lie" it a catchy pop-skapunk song which should be the anthem for the lonely and disenfranchised. View more informationfor "A Patriot Act" at www.apatriotact.com

Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, The Beatles, Weezer, Ben Folds, NOFX, Reel Big Fish, Less Than Jake, Neil Young, The Mars Volta, Conor Oberst, Bright eyes, Iron and Wine, The Album Leaf, Heston Rifle, Catch 22, The Mad Caddies, Bob Marley, Bradley Nowell, Sublime, Long Beach Dub All-Stars

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