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Neomai Fisiiahi | | |
City: Patterson
Country: C.A
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Well I am a single singer who was raised by music. I've been singing and traveling singing every since i was 7 years old up untill now. I'm at the age of 15... Well roght now i just want to be known and be famous for the gift of a voice of an angel i've been blessed with... I hope i do get there one day with the help of you guys!!! The reason why i want to be up there is because the look of my fathers face every time he goes to work out in the stormy weather and hot heat son!!! Well just want a producer REALLY BAD or a group that already has one...And again just for my family...I want to help all that I can..Grew up as a poor child and making m way up...
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January 1, 2006
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The people who have influenced me THE MOST in my life is my MOTHER!!!...ALOT of thanks and appreciation to her!!...And there you have is the rest of my family and friends...I know i should've did this earlier because i know that my friends and family that are reading this right now is like "FINALLY!" have told me wayy before to do something like this or atleast make it be shown on television..But here it goes every one!!!.. One Love
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