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Jason D
Lyricist, composer, vocalist

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Artist Information
"Electroprophet" is an electronic music project that was launched in Upstate New York at the beginning of 2006. Electroprophet's musical style can best be described as a blend of elements from metal, electronica, and industrial music. Electroprophet is Jason D. The Electroprophet project was conceived solely by Jason D prior to its launch in 2006. Jason writes the lyrics, composes and arranges the music, and performs the vocals. Electroprophet's debut album, entitled "Let's Put It Back Together," is now available worldwide from CD Baby. This 12-track album of hard-hitting and fresh-sounding industrialesque electronic metal takes a brief look at the state of our world and reflects on the dire need for some changes. Thought provoking and prophetic lyrics make "Let's Put It Back Together" an album of "Music that speaks to the world." Check out www.electroprophet.com for more info on this earthshaking new album.

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April 1, 2008
"Music That Speaks to the World"
Electroprophet has arrived... "Electroprophet" is an electronic music project that was launched in Upstate New York at the beginning of 2006. Electroprophet's debut album, entitled "Let's Put It Back Together," is now available worldwide from CD Baby. This 12-track album of hard-hitting and fresh-sounding industrialesque electronic metal takes a brief look at the state of our world and reflects on the dire need for some changes. Thought provoking and prophetic lyrics make "Let's Put It Back Together" an album of "Music that speaks to the world." Check out www.electroprophet.com for more info on this earthshaking new album.


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