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Artist Information
With an impeccable delivery and unmatched cadence, Ekko storms the hip hop scene with unique passion and creativity for his own raw yet positive style of rapping. The harsh reality of growing up without much intertwined with constantly moving around the country trying to find stable grounds has made Ekko a.k.a. Young Ancient wise way beyond his years. Tales of poverty, conflict, hope and struggle are simply the inner core of what enables Ekko to connect with his international fanbase regardless of color, religion, or socioeconomic status. The world hears his soul on every track and they immediately gravitate to his realness. Aside from the truth and wisdom which shines brightess in his message, Ekko has unmatched rhyming ability and the ambition to consistently improve what he has already seemed to master. Experience Ekko for yourself and enjoy a much needed break from the normal confines of modern hip-hop. Myspace: www.myspace.com/youngancient

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December 7, 2006
Purchase A Copy Of the Foreva Young Mixtape-DvD Vol. 1
This mixape captures Ekko's artistic and lyrical brilliance from the beginning to end!!! With an eclectic mix of hard-driving beats, Ekko slays the confides of Hip-Hop and introduces you to HIS flavor With supreme production from the like of Franchise Beats to Cras, 5th, Hum-V and others, Ekko unleashes his gift and gives people a glimpse of his many styles and provides his fans with a sneak peak of what they forsee will capture the attention of the globe!!! This mixtape also includes an exclusive DVD where you will see Ekko behind the scenes as well as footage of him ripping shows and even engaging in the almighty battle!!!!! See what Ekko does to his competition lyrically!!!! Pick up a copy of The Foreva Young Mixtape-DVD from his Myspace site by Clicking on the Mixtape Cover or clicking the Link in his BLOG SECTION!!!!!


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