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Founder: Derick Hadlock
Drums: Clint Lee
Guitar: Derick Hadlock Ian Hurley
Vocals: Derick Hadlock Ian Hurley Clint Lee Josh R
AmendAcuity | | |
City: Roosevelt
Country: United States
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Amend : Verb
1. to alter, modify, rephrase, or add to or subtract from (a motion, bill, constitution, etc.) by formal procedure: Congress may amend the proposed tax bill.
2. to change for the better; improve: to amend one's ways.
3. to remove or correct faults in; rectify. –verb (used without object)
4. to grow or become better by reforming oneself: He amends day by day
Acuity : noun
1. sharpness of vision; the visual ability to resolve fine detail (usually measured by a Snellen chart)
2. a quick and penetrating intelligence; "he argued with great acuteness"; "I admired the keenness of his mind" [syn: acuteness]
Is The name For My Music persona, I am currently working on an album. I did not say That it is the name of our band, because there really isn't a band. I am having other musicians come in and do session work on the album and I will give them credit where credit is due. Due to the album being mine and everything being up to me it is going to take a while to produce but I will upload clips of each song as I continue to form the album to get user feedback and such. Now for the music, I won't give it a label or genre because I feel that when you restrict yourself with such all you do is hinder your creative abilities. So one song may sound kinda pop'ish while the next will sound very heavy metal ala Iron Maiden, and then we might do an acoustic ballad. But I will List a few Of My influences to give some idea of where I am coming from:
Iron Maiden
Sonata Arctica
Trans Siberian Orchestra
Tom Petty
Black Sabbath
Guns N Roses
Skid Row
and So on and So Forth. Hope You All like it if you don't cool and if you do cool, I am completely open to CONSTRUCTIVE Critisism, but don't just say it sucks or I don't like it.
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Iron Maiden
Sonata Arctica
rans Siberian Orchestra
Tom Petty
Black Sabbath
Guns N Roses
Skid Row
Other Information | | |
I have a few tracks on myspace that are teasers for the first two songs on the album. "Call Waiting" "I Want Your Love"
Call Waiting is a copy of the verse, prechorus, and chorus. Without the vocals.
I want your love is the 30 second intro to the song.
Now Remember that these are not finished in any way they just state where I am Right Now(at time of upload obviously).