Born and raised in Peoria, Illinois, approximately 1 1/2 hours southwest of Chicago, Trigga Da Don has been involved in the creation of rap/hip-hop music, on the local level, for about 12 years. He began writing poetry at the age of 12, taught himself to read music notation by the age of 15, and co-wrote songs by the age of 17; engaged in co-production and solo production under his own company, Lethal Weapon Entertainment. Although his forte is music "production," he has recently released his first solo CD entitled: "From Da Midst O' Shadowz."
Trigga Da Don'z "vision" is to one day have a tight-knit family of his own, as it is something that he feels he failed to experience growing-up in the streets. In this vision he will use music as his tool to provide for this family, by becoming the CEO/Founder of his own corporate conglomeration known as, "Lethal Weapon Entertainment." This company will consist of many SBUs (Small Business Units), including a clothing line known as "Lethal Gear," a Artist Management company called "Lethal Injection Artist Management," a modeling agency called "Lethal Beauty ('. . .where beauty is as explosive as a hand grenade. . !')," a recording/music production studio called MoneyClipp Productionz, as well as a book publishing company, and many others. . .
"A man should alwayz have a vision. . . without it, he is missing something almost az important az his very soul. So, the best thing a man could do for himself, is earn hiz living doing the thingz that he does and lovez the best. . ."
-Trigga Da Don-