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Crash Cam
City: Waterbury
Country: USA

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Artist Information
Cameron "Crash Cam" Chapman is a 21 year old aspiring Artist from Waterbury,CT. He was born here in Connecticut but at age 8, due to the incarceration of his father, moved to Trenton,NJ with his mother and 3 sisters. He describes the time spent in Trenton as, "What made me who i am". He attended Parker Elementary School in the southern part of Trenton, which was separated from the Projects by a simple gated fence. Surrounded by poverty, drugs and violence, Crash Cam says he had used music to start to express himself and his feelings. He lived in New Jersey, until age 14 when he finished Middle school at JR.3 (Holland Middle School) . Due to the massive crime rate, and what he describes as , "When my city went RED" (referring to the large amount of Blood Gangs that began to emerge in Trenton,NJ in the year 2005) , he was sent to live with his Father who had recently been released from prison.. He completed High School, there at Crosby High School. There he played football for 3 yrs. serving as Co-Captain. After High School, he and a friend went to Tulsa,OK where they attended Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology. They had excellent grades, both on the Dean's List but didn't have enough financial aid to cover the balance on their tuition, and survive in Oklahoma. So Cam says he began to dabble in other activities to survive. At the end of his 6th class, the day before his 20th Birthday Cam and his friend were kicked out of college for reasons he didn't say. He did however say, "I accept responsibly for my F#$% ups, and i F#$%ed up! But all my attentions were good! I went to Spartan for an education. Everything else that happened was just me providing myself. I didn't know a soul in Oklahoma prior to that, and I was mislead by my recruiter who happen to be an popper (a prescription pain pill addict) but again, i knew the rules was and i broke them. But What would you have done? When you have no family to run to for help or support but have plenty of bills, homework, necessities, and not to mention times when you just hungry from running around all day". He stayed in Oklahoma for a few more months, and then returned to Waterbury. He is now here in Connecticut, where he has brought together a group of other inspiring artist, under the name, D.C.C.T. He told me that that acronym stands for allot of different things but was originated as "Dummies Camp, Cut Throat" which he explained as, "A Camp or Artist who Go Dumb (are very talented), Dummies Camp. Meanwhile the Term Cut Throat is a nickname for Connecticut because there's no love out here. These dudes will cut ya throat, if they can benefit even a little." He says hes been working on a solo mix tape,(dropping sometime this year 2012) but plans to drop a all custom album very soon. All contacts to: Campcrash@gmail.com Instagram : @crashcam twitter: @CrashDummiez SoundCloud : http://snd.sc/P5D0xm http://www.reverbnation.com/crashcam http://www.datpiff.com/profile/crashcam www.facebook.com/Cchap48

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